Thursday, September 5, 2013

Figure as Landscape - Reference Photos

Over the past week I ventured out to the location I had in mind for my figure to be morphed into. Posted below are a series of shots of possible graffiti to use. I'm a bit unsure as to how safe this area really is, so that might need some further looking into and ultimately may lead to my projects demise. Until then, I still love this concept.
The photos are certainly not as close up as I will be getting for this, basically at all, but as stated this was merely checking out the area and seeing what the boundaries were. I find the blue-toned graffiti in the second image most intriguing. 


  1. hello. instead of potentially getting run over by a train you can try searching around Livingston or east broad st. i'll show you a place on goggle maps in class that might work. =)
