Thursday, November 21, 2013

Creative Habit Idea finalization & Artistic Philosophy Ideas

For the creative habit I will still be keeping the same idea from the extensively detailed Nov. 13th post; photo-documenting a fire department crew on their duty days, with a connecting theme of 'brotherhood' being expressed. This will resemble a 'day-in-the-life' type of objective and I aim to stretch my skills in representing emotion through images.

At this point, I am still working out the fine details of meeting with a department, but this will be resolved soon. Once I can get past this obstacle of receiving all permissions I can immediately jump right in and start creating images.

For my artistic philosophy I have been bouncing around a few ideas:
  • Photography can reach past the eyes, to grip emotions right from the core.
  • Compositionally rendered images of raw being rips emotion from the viewer. 
  • I believe a photograph should inspire something very deep within the observer, urging them to express their exploding energy. 
Not entirely sure if those are going in the correct direction, but continuing to give it more thought.

Also, check out the updated About Me page with the added artist statement!

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