Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Billy Ireland Museum of Cartoon Art Opening

Being blessed with a father that is an editorial cartoonist, I received full admission to all the events for OSU's new library museum of cartoon art opening weekend that was held on Nov. 14th-17th! Artist talks were held as well as a video viewing and, of course, the grand opening of the Billy Ireland gallery.

Though we listened to many artists talk, like Stephan Pastis (Peals Before Swine), Jeff Smith (Bone) and Paul Pope (Battling Boy), Matt Bors (Editorial Cartoonist) and the screening of Stripped.

Stripped was roughly a two hour video interviewing most if not all the living artists having work in the gallery, such as my favorites; Bill Watterson (Calvin & Hobbes), Jim Borgman (Zits, Editorial Cartoonist), Charles M. Schulz's wife, Jean (Peanuts), and Patrick McDonnell (Mutts), among others phenomenal and awarded artists. I found this video incredibly inspirational. It addressed the creative process as well as the artistic process in a visually descriptive way. The interviews gave much insight and humor to the lives of this people! My absolute favorite and by far most inspirational was Bill Watterson. From a man who literally went into hiding with his wife decades ago, this is the first time he has ever allowed for his voice to be recorded. It was spectacular to be there, witnessing this for the very first time of every, in person. 

Above is one of my favorite Jim Borgman cartoons that is framed and hanging in the museum. I think it does a good job of illustrating how hard it can be to solidify single ideas and focus. I also love Jim's style and use of bright colors.

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